
Noisiaのオランダ人Drum 'n' BassプロデューサーThysが先日のオランダ総選挙結果を受け自身のTwitter(X)アカウントにて現在の胸中を明かしました。


Netherlands voted even more right wing, more fascist, more xenophobic than it ever has.

We might have Wilders as prime minister. This is scary af.

It feels very Trump 2020. Riling up lower class anger by blaming others (foreigners & “the left”), offering no realistic solutions.



Today is a day to be scared. Angry. Sad.

He got 25% of the votes but there’s more right wing parties, that also got big votes. I have some hope that negotiations about forming coalitions never work, because of egos in a lack of hierarchy, which has happened with PVV before. Or that the new government quickly collapses.

Those people that vote for the right wing parties are angry and disappointed with their lives and future prospects, and it's pretty normal for them to look for politicians who can explain this, and offer them hope and a promise of change.

When people are angry and afraid, offering them an explanation that involves a human enemy rather than the workings of a complex global interaction being unfavorable can get you extreme popularity.

Post WW2 EU was always growing. Now we're aging, not producing/exporting as much, and we have a lot of old people to take care of. Average living standards decreased rather than increasied. This leads to anger.

Immigrants have nothing to do with this. But humans love scapegoats.


Impossible not to see the decreasing of average living standards (average wage vs average cost of living) as directly connected to the western world gradually losing coloniser status, slowly losing free resources from oppressed colonies. Western riches are built on oppression.

But now the candy is being taken away from the west. Now we have to share. So now the kids throw a tantrum. Now the kids who were bossing it want to go beat up the new kids who also obtained a right to their piece of the pie, making the western piece smaller.

I am no expert but I have a feeling that in the 90s NL institutions were more racist than they are now. But public racism was taboo, and the racist party at the time (Janmaat/CD) was generally seen as extremely fringe and just wrong. Now "they" got a majority.

So even though NL insitutions might actually be less racist than they used to be, the voters voted more racist. I think this is because in the 90s we didn't have the living standards decreases we have now. We didn't need a scapegoat. (And we still had the ghost of Soviet Russia.)

It's extremely hard to get a group of people to accept a permanent decrease in living standards. People will literally go to war and send their own youth into the trenches to die before accepting that they can't have what they used to have. This is why fascism is appealing, imo.

Fascism gives a simple enemy and a simple solution. Get rid of the foreigners, and the problem is gone. It's that simple, they say. And people prefer this solution over acceptance that the better days were in the past. Fascists promise to give them back what they are entitled to.

So, a solution? Acceptance of shrinkage. Has this ever been done succesfully?

Or, somehow engineer growth.

The classic historical way to engineer growth if there's no technological innovation: war. Break everything, take it all away, and after that people can see growth again.



I want to say something nice and hopeful but these are my actual thoughts. The way I make sense of the world, the increasing war around Europe's edges (and possibly the South China Sea as well), it is terrible and heartbreaking but if you look at history it does repeat a pattern.