Rockwell - User EP [Out Now]

Shogun AudioからRockwellの最新作品'User EP'がリリースされました。

本作はDrum 'n' Bassシーンの伝説的人物Roni SizeとのコラボレーションEasyを含む4曲入りのEPで、GrimeやHalftimeといったDrum 'n' Bass以外のジャンルの楽曲も含む多彩な作品です。

購入は基本的にデジタルのみですが、Shogun Audioは300枚限定のホワイトレーベル12" Vinylも制作しています。

Rockwell - User EP (MP3) - Rockwell - Download - Shop - Shogun Audio
ロックウェル「User - EP」をApple Musicで
Amazon Music - ロックウェルのUser - EP [Explicit] -

本作についてRockwellはUKF掲載のインタビューでRoni Sizeとのコラボレーションについて、きっかけはマネージャー同士のやりとりであったこと、Easyに於いて彼の要素を感じられる箇所など以下のように話しています。全文はUKFのウェブサイト上で御覧下さい。

How did the Roni hook-up come about? 

Trying to think of some really fun and exciting answer, but unfortunately being truthful, it was just our respective managers at the time talking amongst themselves. I’ve met him a few times here and there and been a fan for years, so it was a no-brainer for me.

How did the track come together? A real-life hook-up or an online thing? 

We did a session together in a studio in London, and then passed bits and bobs between ourselves online. It was a good couple of years between that initial session and the track being completed though. He’s a really interesting guy. He’s done it all and got the t-shirt and is a pleasure to work with. He’s also got me onboard for his anniversary live tour of New Forms, which I’m pretty excited about. It was such a pivotal album for me growing up.

Point out an element or a sound where you can feel Roni’s input the most on Easy. 

When we first hooked up at the studio we were just flicking through samples on his computer. He played this portamento synth chord which just sounded so typically Roni Size / Full Cycle / Bristol early 2000’s that instantly I knew I wanted to build a track around it.

Rockwell has just dropped a massive Roni Size collaboration